Rose Galore: LUSH Rosy Cheeks Fresh Face Mask Review

When it comes to finding the ideal skin drink for my face, I end up turning to fresh ingredients most of the time. Freshly sourced ingredients or store-bought masks formulated without parabens/ alcohol seem to work best for my skin.

One such mask is the Lush Rosy Cheeks Fresh Face Mask. The mask works well to calm and soothe my skin. Open the tub and you’re greeted to a wonderful scent of rose petals. It is nothing too overpowering and in fact, rather calming if you’re a fan of the cult flower. However if you are not a fan of rose scented products, you might not be able to get past the scent as it lingers. 



The mixture is smooth allowing you pick up just the right amount of product with your fingers or a mask brush. As you can see, the mask applies with a baby pink colour pay off and dries down to a matte finish. The matte finish isn’t uncomfortable whatsoever unlike other clay masks which feel tight on the skin. 



The highlight of this fresh face mask has to be its list of ingredients. It is formulated using fresh ingredients such as Calamine Powder , Glycerine , Kaolin , Rose Clay (Kaolinite) , Rose Petals (Rosa centifolia) , Fragrance , Rose Oil (Rosa damascena) , Benzyl Alcohol , Lilial ,Citronellol ,Geraniol .

But if I had to talk about 3 ingredients in particular, it would have to be Calamine, Kaolin and Rose Oil (Rosa damascena). These are the star ingredients in my opinion. Calamine is one of nature’s best soothing ingredients. It helps to soothe the skin and relieve signs of itchiness or redness. At the end of a long day, I love how the Calamine included helps to soothe my skin after exposure to omnipresent pollutants in our environment. 

Coupled with a beautiful blend of Kaolin and Rose Oil (Rosa damascena), the smooth mixture helps to cleanse and detox the skin, drawing out gunk from the pores. A common misconception many have is that pores would disappear – this is the never the case. You require the pores to be present for bodily functions. However what such products (such as Rosy Cheeks) help to do is to reduce the appearance of these very pores and make them appear smaller. 

At the end of a 15-20 minute masking session, I find that my skin is smooth, nourished and cleansed. You will also notice that there is a slight powder after-feel left behind after removing the mask.


There is definitely a subtle rosy glow which increases with subsequent usage. Given its universal ingredients, this is definitely a great mask for all skin types. For someone with combination skin, this helps to soak up any excess oil from the skin and leave it feeling fresh. I also do have dry patches from time to time but this mask does not cling onto the dry regions.


The Fresh Face Masks are made as the name suggests fresh and need to be used within a period of time (typically 3 -4 weeks). You get a pot of product worth 75g on average and this will last you a good amount of uses. The product needs to be stored in the refrigerator  at all times but I love the feeling of a chilled mask on the face. All you need to do is apply a thin layer, let it dry and wash off with water – simple as that. Follow up with your usual skincare and you’re good to go. 

I have gone through about 3-4 Rosy Cheeks tubs in the last year and a half (I tend to rotate my masks based on my skin needs each month) and am a fan. 

Lush Rosy Cheeks Fresh Face Mask retails for SGD31 can be purchased from LUSH Stores/ Lush E-store.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this post. For more beauty confessions, feel free to follow me on Instagram at Littlemissconfessions.

Till the next entry, stay safe and fabulous



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